Consultations on the draft Development Strategy for the city of Żywiec are underway


Dear Sirs,

We would like to remind you about Development Strategy of Żywiec Municipality draft consultations for the years 2023-2030 which will take place today from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm at Żywiec Municipality, room no. 201A (Municipal Environmental Centre).

We cordially invite and encourage you to submit your proposals, comments and ideas. Every voice will be extremely valuable to us.

The draft Development Strategy of the City of Żywiec for 2023-2030 is available at: and Żywiec Municipal Office - room no. 107 of  Municipal Engineering, Environmental Protection and Urban Development Departament.  

If someone does not manage to reach us today, nothing is lost. The project will be consulted until 17th  of October 2023, so everyone will have the opportunity to submit their comments and ideas through:

•    comment form - available on the Żywiec Municipality website or sent by post.
•    form available at
•    directly to the Żywiec Municipality register office.


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